Sunday, June 24, 2012

Just a little something new....

While watching The Lion King for the millionth time tonight, I decided to do a little something new.  I've painted on canvas several times, but this was the first time I've ever painted on wood...and I didn't know what I was doing!  I bought a 6X6 (I think) square from Hobby Lobby last week and picked up a packet of wooden appliqué fleur-de-lis.  

I used acrylic paint (this was where I was unsure.  I didn't know what kind of paint to use on wood.  In the end, I just went with it.  I was out $5).  On the face, I mixed green/white.  Then after it dried, I went over it with a blue/white mixture.    Around the edges and on the fleur-de-lis, I went with a mixture of brown/light brown.  As a highlight at the end, I took the rest of my brown mixture and threw in some white to lighten it.  When everything was dry, I just hot glued the appliqué to the square.  It's at simple as that!  :) 

By the way...The Lion King was just as good this time as it was in 94!  

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Personalized Wreath

So, I saw some cool wreaths on Pinterest, and...since it is SO hard to find "E" personalized items, I decided to make my own.  I'm not the craftiest person, but I was surprised at how easily this project was.  By no means is it perfect, but I eventually got in the groove of it, and it got a lot more attractive toward the end.  Here is the finished project!

I started with the E.  Anyone else out there who may want to try this:  Start with the wreath until you get it figured out OR get a standard cut letter!  I thought the curly letters were cute, but it was a pain!

Wreath (I used a $5 one from Hobby need to get a nice one)
Wooden letter
Yarn (In Reddie colors..of course)
Hot glue gun

 It was also easier to wrap the yarn and tighten each loop as I went rather than doing several loose wraps and then tightening a larger amount of the yarn.  This whole project took me about two hours.  I did the E one night and the wreath the next.  Please comment if you have questions!! :)  Enjoy!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Half Broke Horses

Many of you know that I love to read, and I always have.  I am a self proclaimed nerd.  The perfect example of my nerd traits can be traced ALL the way back to kindergarten.  I can remember at the end of the school year, Miss Brenda gave us all a piece of paper with random words on it and told us that we really needed to know how to read those words before beginning first grade.  I was so worried that I kept that piece of paper under my bed and would practice every night.  I guess the intimidation factor worked because I ended up reading everything I could get my hands on! :)

Yesterday, I read Fifty Shades of Grey which was great, but I would rather discuss my book from earlier last week.  Half Broke Horses by Jeannette Walls is the chosen book for HSU's freshmen common book reading this fall.  Since I am teaching one section of our freshmen orientation class, I will have to discuss the book with my students.  I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Some of the reasons why I loved it are as follows:

1. It's a novel....and easy to read.  I've done so much required reading over the years that I really enjoy a nice easy read once in a while.  I think this will be a plus for our students as well.  During that transition to college, one more nonfiction book to add to the required reading might not get a high percentage of readers.  (As a freshman, I would have probably ignored it and read a summary online if I thought it would be similar to a textbook).

2.  It features a strong female protagonist who has many setbacks but always seems to overcome them.  Though the storyline dates back a century, there are many lessons to be learned from Lily's many situations.  What I really liked about it was that, even though it features a robust and determined woman, it's not a man-basher either.  That's always important...and something that I hope my students will see.

3.  The most important reason that I loved Half Broke Horses is because it reminds me (very slightly) of an adult version of Little House on the Prairie.  Oh, how I loved that series!  (Not the tv show...just the books..thanks to Mrs. McRae's 2nd grade class.  I'm also thankful to her because she was Brody's first mom and couldn't keep him.  That's another story though, but you all know how much I love my dogs)!

All in all, if you want a good, easy read this summer, I highly recommend Half Broke Horses.  It was have you laughing out loud (especially if you grew up out in the country), but you will also feel her sorrow at times.  It will make you examine your own life and realize that you only get one shot at it.  It's never too late to learn lessons and make changes.  I hope you enjoy! :)


Welcome to my blog!  I woke up this morning and realized that I needed to write something...anything. There is just too much going on in my head to not write it down somewhere.  May this be a place for ideas, DIY projects (if I can do it, anyone can), good tv and books, and of course, my pups.  I may not be cut out for this blogging thing, but I'm going to give it a try!